About AgriBank

About AgriBank

AgriBank expertly and reliably obtains funds and prudently provides funding and financial solutions to Farm Credit Associations, locally owned lenders that are our customers and owners.

The Associations, in turn, provide loans and financial services to farmers, ranchers, and rural businesses and homeowners. AgriBank and the Associations are part of the Farm Credit System, a national network of customer-owned lending institutions.

By the Numbers



Net Income



Total Assets



Loan Volume




(money returned to

Where We Serve

We call the region we serve the AgriBank District—15 states in America’s heartland, from Wyoming to Ohio and Minnesota to Arkansas. This region:

  • Features a wide range of crop and livestock production
  • Provides a substantial portion of domestic food needs
  • Accounts for a significant portion of all U.S. agricultural exports

Our History

President Theodore Roosevelt planted the seeds of the Farm Credit System in 1908, when he appointed a commission to address a lack of adequate credit for farmers. The result: a cooperative credit structure based on 12 Federal Land Banks, using $125 million in government seed money but financed by private capital from investors.

  • 1916

    President Woodrow Wilson signs the Federal Farm Loan Act on July 17, creating the 12 Federal Land Banks (FLBs), which focused on real estate lending.
  • 1923

    Twelve Federal Intermediate Credit Banks (FICBs) are established to provide lending to production agriculture.
  • 1933

    The Farm Credit Act of 1933 authorizes local Production Credit Associations (PCAs) to be retail lenders and fund through the FICBs, expanding short- and intermediate-term agricultural credit availability. In addition, 12 Banks for Cooperatives (BFCs) are created to serve each of the 12 District territories. An executive order creates the Farm Credit Administration to regulate all the institutions now known as the Farm Credit System.
  • 1971

    The Farm Credit Act of 1971 updates the Farm Credit System’s charter and expands lending authority for leasing, records, taxes, consulting, crop insurance, as well as loans to fishermen and rural homeowners.
  • 1980

    The Farm Credit System consists of 37 Banks. There are 12 Districts, each with a Federal Land Bank, Federal Intermediate Credit Bank, and a Bank for Cooperatives, in addition to the Central Bank for Cooperatives, which is owned by and serves the District Banks for Cooperatives.
  • 1987

    The Farm Credit Act of 1987 authorizes and directs the merger of the FICB and FLB in each of the 12 Districts into 12 Farm Credit Banks (serving as wholesale lenders) as part of a financial assistance plan for the System. It also authorizes the merger of a PCA with a FLB, forming direct retail lenders called Agricultural Credit Associations (ACAs, or Associations). These Associations are structured as holding companies with two subsidiaries: a Federal Land Credit Association (FLCA) for real estate lending and a PCA for short- and intermediate-term credit.
  • 1988

    The Farm Credit Bank of St. Paul takes $133 million in financial assistance from the federal government during the rural financial crisis of the 1980s.
  • 1992

    The Farm Credit Bank of St. Paul repays the principal from earlier federal financial assistance, 11 years ahead of schedule.
  • 1992

    The Farm Credit Banks of St. Paul and St. Louis elect to be the first FCBs in the System to merge, forming AgriBank and serving a seven-state territory.
  • 1994

    AgriBank and Farm Credit Bank of Louisville merged to serve 11 states.
  • 2003

    AgriBank and AgAmerica merge, expanding the District’s territory to 15 states.
  • 2016

    AgriBank and Farm Credit mark 100 years of supporting rural communities and agriculture with reliable, consistent credit and financial services, today and tomorrow.
  • Today

    AgriBank supports local Farm Credit Associations in 15 states with the strength of more than $176 billion in total assets.