ST. PAUL, Minn., October 30, 2023 – The AgriBank District Farm Credit Council (ADFCC) has recognized U.S. Rep. Michelle Fischbach of Minnesota with its 2023 Friend of Farm Credit Award. Fischbach, a member of the House Ways and Means Committee and former member of the House Agriculture Committee, received the award for her critical leadership to preserve and support the well-being of agriculture and rural communities across the country.
“The strong support Representative Fischbach has demonstrated for the Farm Credit mission and investments that support healthy rural communities, particularly as a lead sponsor of the Investing in Rural America Act, makes her a standout amongst her peers,” said Ed Hegland, a farmer from Lac Qui Parle County, Minn., and an AgCountry Farm Credit Services board representative on the ADFCC, which he chairs. “We are honored to celebrate her as an AgriBank District Farm Credit Council Friend of Farm Credit and a friend of rural America.”

“I have long admired and supported the work of the Farm Credit System, and I am honored to receive the 2023 Friend of Farm Credit Award,” said Rep. Fischbach. “I have long been committed to building strong rural communities, and I know that Farm Credit institutions play a critical role in that objective. That’s why I was proud to introduce the Investing In Rural America Act, which eliminates unnecessary regulatory barriers to capital investment, particularly for critical community facilities like hospitals, childcare centers, and senior care centers. This will attract private sector investment into these kinds of facilities, encouraging future generations to see rural communities as home. I am grateful for the Farm Credit Council’s hard work and look forward to continuing to work side by side with them to better rural America.”
AgCountry Farm Credit Services is one of the local Farm Credit Associations that comprise the AgriBank District along with AgriBank. The ADFCC represents Farm Credit farmers and ranchers in a 15-state area from Wyoming to Ohio and Minnesota to Arkansas. About half the nation’s cropland is located within the AgriBank District.
Farm Credit supports rural communities and agriculture with reliable, consistent credit and financial services, today and tomorrow. It has been fulfilling its mission of helping rural America grow and thrive for more than a century with the capital necessary to make businesses successful and by financing vital infrastructure and communication services. For more information, visit
John Share, AgriBank
(651) 282-8634 or
Lauren Weber, Office of U.S. Rep. Michelle Fischbach